Winter season 2015 round up..

Some of the best action shots so far in the season..

Mauro Meier "gorilla style" @ Furstchellas couloir 

Lucas Swieykowski powdering early in the season @Furstchellas couloir

Nicolas Müller styling a late fs180 @ Corvatsch 3303 for the Hit The Cheese 

Severin Van der Meer hitting da cheeze @ Hit The Cheese 2014/15 Silvaplana

it was great evening watching and shooting at the Hit The Cheese.. thanks Gummi

Lucas Swieykowski "soft landing" At Corvatsch 3303

Lucas Swieykowski "cascade" 

Lucas Swieykowski "new lines" @Furstchellas

Lucas Swieylowski

Sils Maria / Engadin Valley 

..allways, Lucas Swieykowski, looking for the good spot!

Matin Bisi on a powder day @ Corvatsch/Furstchellas

Martin Bisi "cream" @Corvatsch/Furstchellas

Martin Bisi
