"The Ice Cave Biking" photo story

I finally post this story.. its been a while but finally it can see the world!
It was a beautiful sunny cristal crispy blue day by the end of january, and with my adventure buddies Lucas Swieykowski y Santiago Eilert we bike up the Val Roseg in the search for these famous ice caves. Here the photo story.

Santiago Eilert trying the new spikes
Santiago & Lucas dealing with some freshies
over the frozen lake

Approaching the caves

Santiago pushing it the last bit

Santiago at the caves

Santiago focused

two way out

Santiago going up

Lucas feeling the ice



Santiago Eilert

Riding down the valley after a great day

What a great spring powder day! 3rd May.. meeting some friends on the Corvatsch!

Snow is falling in the Engadin these days, finally, right!? 
But its already May and this is the last week for the Corvatsch, and its never been so good in the whole season. I met some friends going up to the top.

Bonsai and Lubamba on an almost empty gondola 

Lubamba & Bonsai

Lubamba getting it..


Bonsai on a natural bs3 

Lubamba tweaking it

Bonsai and Lubamba having fun..

 Andri "Bonsai"Stoisser

Bonsai dropping some cliffs

Bonsai shredding the Furstchellas couloir 

Bonsai in the white chamber

Aaron Schwartz at work
G-Weli-T riding for Korua

G-Weli T 

the gang 

Aaron in the room..

.. and no googles!

Luca Kuppelwieser

what a day.. !!!